Even with the best lifestyle, or eating habits, your immune system can still be challenged beyond its capacity. Nutritional supplements that support and boost your immune system are recommended, especially during the cold and flu season, or at times of high stress. 


What products can I use to help support and boost my immune system?

EGCg- (found in Green Tea) has a potent viral inhibitive effect and has been shown to prevent viruses such as influenza from taking hold in the body.

Immuno-DMG Chewable, a unique synergistic formulation of immune enhancers can help to improve immune function in the entire family.

Zinc Lozenges are the most tested for shortening the duration of a cold or even preventing one from occurring.

Vitamin D3 has been shown to be an effective immune booster in doses of 2,000-5,000 IU per day.

The support of immune function can best be found in a proper healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and minimization of stress. However, when colds, flu, contact with crowds, and other immune challengers face us, nutritional supplements can help boost your immune system.

Cedra Pharmacists are specially trained to recommend the right nutritional options that will help support your immune system and that will not interfere with other medications you may be taking.

Stay Healthy!