Pledge Omega-3 This Year

According to Paleo-Leap Bone-in sardines are an excellent source of calcium. A 3.75-ounce can provides 35% of the RDA, probably higher than any other Paleo food. It’s true that calcium isn’t the end of the story for healthy bones and teeth, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important at all; if you don’t react well to dairy, sardines are your bones’ best friend.

Their high calcium content is usually the star of the show, but don’t let it blind you to everything else in the can. Sardines also deliver:

  • Selenium (69%)
  • Phosphorus (45%)
  • Iron (15%)
  • Magnesium (9%)
  • Copper (9%)

Sardines are something like a fish oil supplement, if fish oil supplements also delivered protein, vitamins, minerals, and an easily portable snack food. Unlike supplements, canned sardines don’t need to be refrigerated, and you don’t have to worry about whether they’ve been sitting around going rancid on the grocery-store shelf. So between the supplement and the fish, the fish are the clear winners. Fish may have earned its reputation as “brain food” because some people eat fish to help with depression, psychosis, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),Alzheimer’s disease, and other thinking disorders. 

If you have an issue reaching your daily requirement of these types of nutrients that the body requires, Cedra has its own line of vitamins. Come in and have a chat with a pharmacist and let us assist you and recommend what daily vitamins you should be taking.