Reduce Your Stress Levels

As you may have seen on our twitter page today we have been discussing stress and how it's not all bad. Some levels of stress which you are accustomed to handling can help keep you focused and challenge your abilities. There are those times however when stress can be overwhelming and we can begin to feel like we are out of control. 

When we are stressed, our bodies produce this hormone called Cortisol; high levels of this could lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain or inability to lose weight, and various other detrimental health issues. When there isn't enough time for you to get out and have a workout there are vitamins and supplements. We live in an age where we are becoming more conscious of what it is that we put into our bodies, especially anything that might alter our state of being. 

We have our own line of vitamins and supplements to help your every need. Our "Calm" line of supplements are designed to address your daily stress by increasing the production of the neurotransmitters serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. The formula includes ingredients historically used to promote a state of calm and centered relaxation. While many other alternatives providing GABA-agonist effects may cause dependency over time, out natural GABA support found in our formula is non-habit forming.

Stop by today and have a chat with our friendly pharmacy team and see what we can do for you!